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# ML-Agents Integration Guide

## Setting-up the environment To start creating a new tree with a behavior trained in ML-Agents in a project that is using Behavior Bricks, it is necessary to make the regular installantion of ML-Agents. More information can be retrieved in [the ML-Agents documentation.]( Once ML-Agents is installed, it is enough to drag the *ML-Agents* and *Gizmos* folders from `~/UnitySDK/Assets` to the Unity Project tab in order to import it to the project.

First thing we are going to do is to prepare all necessary `gameObjects` that allow us to execute a trained model using ML-Agents: an `Academy`, a `Brain` and an `Agent`. Therefore, we start creating an empty `gameObject` in the scene and we add a C# script called `BBAcademy`. This script must extend `Academy`, so also must include ML-Agents, and should be left empty, since we only need the parameters and the functionality provided by inheritance.

	using MLAgents;
	public class BBAcademy : Academy {}

Now we create a `learning brain` (e.g. by right clicking in a folder of the project tab and `create/ML-Agents/Learning Brain`) and name it `EnemyBrain`. We left the by default parameters by now (we will modify these paremeters later). This brain have to be added to the `Academy Broadcast Hub`, leaving the `Control` box unchecked.

Before creating the C# script for our agent, we have to modify the player and the enemy:

- Add to the player the tag `“Player”` and a `Rigid Body` component. - Add a cube to the enemy above the `shootpoint` scaled to (0.1, 0.1, 0.3) at the relative position (0, 0.5, 0.5). This will tell us where the enemy is aiming.

In addition, we have to modify the way the enemy shoots in order to fit the training and the execution of the agent. Specifically, we create two new C# scripts: `FiredBullet` and `EnemyShoot`.

The script `FiredBullet` consists in giving intelligence to the bullet, so it can tell if the it has impacted the player, besides autodestroy passed 2 seconds (or whatever the time indicated by the parameter). Additionally, the bullet has information about its creator, which will be used for knowing who to inform of the impact. Therefore, we have to add the following C# script to the Bullet prefab, after removing the script used in previous tutorials.

	using UnityEngine;
	using MLAgents;
	public class FiredBullet : MonoBehaviour
	    // Autodestruction time
	    public float autodestroySeconds = 2.0f;
	    // Creator/shooter of the bullet
	    private GameObject creator;
	    // When the bullets hits
	    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
	        // If the bullet hits the player
	        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")
	            if (creator.GetComponent<Agent>())
	    // Set creator of the bullet
	    public void SetCreator(GameObject creator)
	        this.creator = creator;
	    // Autodestroys the bullet once autodestruction time is passed
	    void Start()
	        Destroy(this.gameObject, autodestroySeconds);

The code should be self-explanatory, but we have to note several things:

- We have to import `MLAgents`to get the component Agent of the `gameObject` impacted, that will be our player. - We send a message to this component, calling a method `SetImpacted` to notify the bullet collision with the player. - We add a `SetCreator` method used to store the owner when the bullet is fired.

The script `EnemyShoot` implements the shooting capacity of the enemy agent. We create a C# script that extends `Monobehaviour` based on the previous script `ShootOnce`. This code should be self-explanatory too, and have to be added to the enemy, binding the shootpoint and the bullet prefab in the editor.

	using UnityEngine;
	public class EnemyShoot : MonoBehaviour
	    // Shootpoint
	    public Transform shootPoint;
	    // Bullet
	    public GameObject bullet;
	    // Velocity of the bullet
	    public float velocity = 30.0f;
	    // Time between shoots
	    public float delay = 0.3f;
	    // If the enemy can shoot
	    private bool canShoot;
	    // Time passed since last shot
	    private float timePassed;
	    void Start()
	        if (!shootPoint)
	            shootPoint = transform.Find("ShootPoint");
	            if (!shootPoint)
	                Debug.LogWarning("Shoot point not specified. CubeShoot will not work " +
	                                 "for " +;
	        // At the beginning the enemy can shoot
	        canShoot = true;
	        // No time passed
	        timePassed = 0.0f;
	    void Update()
	        // Add time passed
	        timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
	        // If it is enough time
	        if (timePassed >= delay)
	            // The enemy can shoot
	            canShoot = true;
	            // Reset timer
	            timePassed = 0.0f;
	    // Enemy shooting logic
	    public bool Shoot()
	        if (!canShoot || !shootPoint)
	            return false;
	        // Instantiate the bullet prefab.
	        GameObject newBullet = GameObject.Instantiate(
	                                    bullet, shootPoint.position,
	                                    shootPoint.rotation * bullet.transform.rotation
	                                ) as GameObject;
	        // Set creator
	        // Give it a velocity
	        if (newBullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() == null)
	            // Safeguard test, although the rigid body should be provided by the
	            // prefab to set its weight.
	        newBullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = velocity * shootPoint.forward;
	        canShoot = false;
	        return true;

We have to note the following points:

- There is a delay between fired bullets, so there is a time the enemy cannot shoot. - This delay is parameterized, as well as the velocity of the bullet. - If there is no indicated `shoot point`, in `Start` we try to find it. - We set the creator of the bullet when fired.

Finally, we create the C# script `EnemyAgent`, extending `Agent` class of `MLAgents`. We add the following code, deleting the code included by default (`Start` and `Update` methods).

	using UnityEngine;
	using MLAgents;
	public class EnemyAgent : Agent
	    // The player (ball)
	    public Transform target;
	    // Shootpoint
	    public Transform shootpoint;
	    // Rotation speed
	    public float maxRotationSpeed = 10;
	    // If a bullet has impacted to the target
	    private bool impacted = false;
	    // Set bool impacted to true
	    void SetImpacted()
	        impacted = true;
	    // Reset of the enemy agent
	    public override void AgentReset()
	        // The player has not been impacted
	        impacted = false;
	        if (target.transform.position.y < 0)
	            // If the player fell, zero its momentum
	            target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity =;
	            target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity =;
	            target.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0);
	        // Move the player to a new spot inside the floor
	        target.position = new Vector3(Random.value * 48 - 24, 0.5f, Random.value * 48 - 24);
	        target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity =;
	        target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity =;
	    public override void CollectObservations()
	        // Distance vector
	        AddVectorObs(target.position.x - transform.position.x);
	        AddVectorObs(target.position.z - transform.position.z);
	        // Velocity of the player
	        // Forward vector of the shootpoint
	    public override void AgentAction(float[] vectorAction, string textAction)
	        // Actions, size = 2
	        // Rotate
	        Vector3 actionRotate =;
	        actionRotate.y = vectorAction[0] * maxRotationSpeed;
	        // Shoot
	        if (vectorAction[1] >= 0.0)
	            if (GetComponent<EnemyShoot>().Shoot())
	        // Rewards
	        // A bullet impacts the target (good)
	        if (impacted)
	        // The target collision with the agent (bad)
	        float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.position);
	        if (distanceToTarget < 1.42f)
	        // The target falls out of the platform (reset)
	        if (target.transform.position.y < 0)

This class has three main methods that are overriden from the `Agent` class. Explaining why this methods have to be overridden and how Agent class works is out of the scope of this guide. The concrete implementation of these methods is described below.

- `AgentReset`. Reset the scene when `Done` is called. Sets impacted variable to `true` and relocates the player. - `CollectObservations`. Gather the following information:

  1. `Distance vector` between the player and the enemy (in the x and z axes).
  2. `Velocity vector` of the player (in the x and z axes).
  3. `Forward vector` of the enemy's `shootpoint` (in the x and z axes).

- `AgentAction`. Rotate the enemy, and shoot. It also resets the agent if a bullet impacts the player, the player falls of the floor and if the player collides with the enemy. Finally, this method sets the corresponding rewards, but this is out of the scope of this guide.

## Setting-Up the execution with Behavior Bricks

Start creating a new behavior in the Behavior Bricks editor (Window-Behavior Bricks) called `EnemyBT`. This behavior will be used by the enemy to wander around, when he is close to the player he follows him and, when is even closer, he shoots aiming at him. The behavior made in previous tutorials is similar, but that behavior shoots in a straight line, being steady, and our behavior will rotate to aim using ML-Agents.

- The first node will be a `Repeat`, linked to a `Priority Selector`. - The first branch of our `Priority` Selector will be a node called `AgentML`, which use ML-Agents, with a `IsTargetClose` decorator. - In `IsTargetClose` set 7 as the close distance. For the `target` we will create a blackboard input parameter called `Player`. - `AgentML` has three input parameters that we will create in the Blackboard: `ML-Agent`, `ML-Agent Brain` and `Environment Academy`.

- The second branch will be `MoveToGameObject` node with a `IsTargetClose` decorator.

  1. In `IsTargetClose` set 7 as the close distance. For the `target` we will create a blackboard input parameter called `Player`.
  2. In `MoveToGameObject ` set `Player` as the `Target`.

- The last branch will be a `Wander` node with a `AlwaysTrue` decorator.

  1. In `Wander` create a input parameter for `wanderArea`.

The behavior is prepared, so we have to add a `Behavior Executor` component to our `Enemy` GameObject and set all every parameter.

- `Player` from the scene for `player`. - Our `EnemyBrain` for `ML-Agent Brain`. - `Academy` from the scene for `Environment Academy`. - `Enemy` from the scene for `ML-Agent`. - `Floor` from the scene for `wanderArea`.

Before execute, set up the `EnemyBrain` as the following image.

- We set the vector observations with space size 6 because we collect 6 parameters of information:

  1. 2 for the distance from enemy to player vector without the Y axis.
  2. 2 for the player velocity vector without the Y axis.
  3. 2 for the enemy forward vector, “the nose”, without the Y axis.

- We stacked 5 actions because the reward is given when the enemy hits the player, and this has a delay respect the action that shot the bullet. Therefore, this the reward is assign to another action, so we stacked 5 actions to have the chain of actions that results in a reward. - We have 2 continuous actions, one to rotate and one to shoot, that is the space size.

You need to train our Enemy for having a proper behavior, but, for now, we give you a trained model that you can set in the `EnemyBrain` .It would be a good challenge to try getting a better model than this.

## Training

The node used to execute `ML-Agents` in `Behavior Bricks` lets also to train a behavior inside a behavior tree. To do so, the only thing that has to be done is to check the control checkbox in the academy in the brain that we want to train.

Then we have to follow the same procedure as indicated in [ML-Agents guides.](